Processing B&W film using the Jobo ATL 1000 Processing B&W film using the Jobo ATL 1000 greatly simplifies the process of film development. This short article is a personal study of my experience of using the ATL 1000 to develop B&W film. What is it? The Jobo ATL 1000 is a film processing machine (made […]
A Quick Way to Edit a 35mm Colour Negative In this article you will learn how to apply blend modes so the editing of a 35mm clour negative to create a white balanced colour positive The steps we will follow are as follows: Step 1 Develop the image to push the blacks and whites to […]
3 easy ways to improve your paintings in Dynamic Auto Painter 7 Whether you call it photo realistic art, photo art, or just plain art, Dynamic Auto Painter is a tool that can help you achieve great results with minimal effort and time. This article looks at 3 easy ways to improve the look of […]
Dartmoor National Park in Autumn resplendant in wonderful reds and oranges againt blue moody skies, it’s a place to behold.
The Legends Festival Exeter may have been 2 years delayed but it was a great event nonetheless My family are festival mad and while I prefer my camping chair and ice cold beer to be right in front of our TV that means nothing to these guys. Glastonbury, Reading Festival, Download and Latitude all featured […]
What makes a good photograph? Here are a few personal thoughts on how to read an image I like images that tell stories and for this reason, I tend to lean towards documentary and candid photography although I personally like to call this, observational photography. When I have a camera in my hand, I am […]
Fujifilm announce the FUJIFILM X-T5 Mirrorless Digital Camera Delivering Fifth-Generation Image Sensor and Processing Technologies in a Compact and Lightweight Body If you are using any of the current range of Fujifilm x-sensor cameras, for example the X-T1 through to the x-T4 then you already know how amazing these cameras are. With the imninent launch of […]
Noise Reduction in Photo Editing | Mediachance AI Noise Reduction vs ON1 NoNoise AI Noise reduction in photo editing is becoming more and more important as photographers push ISO and distance in their shooting. In a previous article I looked at the overall offering from Mediachance with its AI Photo & Art Enhancer for photo […]
Is Mediachance’s AI Photo & Art Enhancer any good? Mediachance, perhaps best known for Dynamic Auto Painter (DAP), produce some excellent software for image processing. One of these tools is AI Photo & Art Enhancer which is basically a toolkit of applications for various jobs related to image enhancement. Priced at just $34, AI Photo […]
A friend of mine told me the other day that painting portraits from photos and software is cheating! But who makes the call that something is a cheat or not? My “paintings” tend to veer towards the expressive rather than try to be an accurate representation of the subject. I may not use an easel, […]