The Canon Powershot S5 IS from 2007 utilises a CCD sensor to give film-like results without the hassle and cost. My growing collection of CCD cameras means that I now have access to and use on a fairly regular basis, eight extremly good CCD sensor cameras as well as two Live MOS sensor cameras which […]
Dartmoor National Park in Autumn resplendant in wonderful reds and oranges againt blue moody skies, it’s a place to behold.
Compositing to Recover an Image | A first try-out for ON1 PhotoRAW 2023 I tend to like my photographs to be straight out of camera (SOOC) or if I have to edit them, just trying to achieve a filmic (analogue film) look. That’s not to say that I won’t play around with images, just that […]
Club photography sucks. Discuss! I don’t often do pieces on club competitions but things are changing in club photography and as such I think this demands some comment. Competitions to my mind need to have very narrow parameters in order to ensure a level playing field. Even then the joker in the pack is always […]
A real quick post here guys as this issue was stumping me until I found this page – – at which point it all became a little clearer. Basically, and as you can see from the image below, my jpeg and RAW files when read by darktable are light years apart. The jpeg is […]
Right off the bat I just want to say that there is no right or wrong answer to this question. In truth, the lens you choose is probably going to reflect your confidence levels as a photographer. If you like mixing it up on the street then a 28mm is probably perfect as it gets […]
Should you cull or keep your images – that’s the question! When I first created this post I called it “Don’t be afraid to Cull Bad Images”. However, as the post evolved I felt that I needed to look at keeping versus culling in the round. This article therefore discusses my take on what stays […]
Putting aside for a moment the really important requirements for a good photo, that is content and composition, without either of which your photos will immediately fail, if your photo is trying to mimic a particular film stock then to be truly believable it has to provide a believable colour pallet. While there are many […]
You know what it’s like. You keep coming back to an image that you shouldn’t like but you just do. The image above is that image for me. Believe me, I have a ton of images I really love and I am so grateful to have shot. However it’s this one that figures a lot […]
5 Reasons why I love the Samyang 12mm f2 NCS CS Wide Angle Lens The Samyang 12mm f2 NCS CS is an extra-wide-angle manual focus lens designed for APS-C crop sensor mirrorless cameras. With low distortion and wide angle, photographers who want wide-angle photos such as landscape and architectural images can create great images with […]