5 candid photos that define your walk home

5 candid photos that define your walk home

I set myself a task today. Take 5 candid photos that define your walk home!

This was never meant to be an exercise in creating the perfect street or candid photo. Sometimes it’s just good to try to capture something interesting during a relatvely short walk home. An exercise in awareness and observation more than a photographic assignment.

If you would like to take up this challenge and create your own photo journey I would be more than happy for you to provide a link to your images / website in the comments below but please don’t SPAM us, we will review everything submitted.

Image 1 – Waiting to go Home

The start of my journey home, which took perhaps just 25 minutes door to door started with this shot of David waiting to go home. I just liked the simplicity of the pose, the intensity of the backlight and the muted colours in the shadows. A good start to my journey I think!

5 street photos that define your walk home. Waiting to go home
5 candid photos that define your walk home. Waiting to go home

Image 2 – The Roller Skater

I spotted this yound lady sitting on a bench along the promenade and the opportunity to capture the bright red skates was simply too much to ignore.

5 street photos that define your walk home. The Roller Skater
5 candid photos that define your walk home. The Roller Skater

Image 3 – The Smoke Break

This particular image caught my eye because of the relatively unusual context. Here we have a chef enjoying a cigarette during a break from his work in the restaurant nearby. While in competition terms this image is a dud, in terms of this challange the garage and bins create an interesting backdrop to the image of the chef relaxing in complete oblivion to me taking his picture.

5 street photos that define your walk home
5 candid photos that define your walk home. The Smoke Break

Image 4 – The Wagon Train

I thought that this was an interesting image as I’ve only ever really seen single mobilitiy scooters out and about. To see four was somewhat different and I thought well worth a shot.

5 street photos that define your walk home
5 candid photos that define your walk home. The Wagon Train

Image 5 – Social Media and Generation Z

This young lady was a somewhat reluctant model for this last shot but her bright red hair, headphones and pose was simply too much to resist so with a little persuasion she agreed that i could take a few shots. Personally I think my persistance was rewarded in this final shot. Thank you ma’am.

5 street photos that define your walk home. Social Media and the Rise of Generation Z
5 candid photos that define your walk home. Social Media and Generation Z

What does your walk home look like. I’d be interested to see your images so please post a link in the comments box below.


It’s not often you see so many taxis parked up on this rank so I am offering this up as a bonus image from today’s walk. Perhaps this image is indicitive of the current economic turndown and lack of money that we are all facing. In fairness it should sit between Image 3 and 4 but I couldn’t be bothered to change the text to read 6 street photos that define your walk home hence it’s here as a bonus shot. Enjoy!

5 street photos that define your walk home. The Economic Turndown
5 candid photos that define your walk home. The Economic Turndown
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