If you are anything like me you want to show work that is different from those around you. One way of doing this is to photograph what you see but then present it in ways which aren’t necessarily expected. I found that this became a whole lot easier when I dsicovered Nik Effects from Google, now DxO of course. Nik is a treasure trouve of effects covering everything from black and while processing (Nik Silver Efex) right through to Noise Removal (Dfine 2). There are tools for vintage stylisation, analogue stylisation and much, much more – all of it free is you know where to look on the DxO website.
This image is one such image. Taken a couple of years back, it bombed in a club competition for technical issues such as the overly bright highlights. It’s true I could have toned these down in post, perhaps I should have but you know what, it is what is it. It’s not meant to reflect technical perfection, it’s supposed to illicit a non techincal response in the viewer. I spend a lot of time looking at images like this and for me, if they prompt more questions than answers I tend to think that was a successful image.